Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Wouldn't Call It 'Radical'?

Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times, In the article, "Radical in the White House", written on January 21, 2009, he states that he hopes that President Obama is up for the task at hand. He explains that, "Indeed, dare I say, I hope Obama really has been palling around all these years with that old Chicago radical Bill Ayers. I hope Obama really is a closet radical." I personally do not agree with Mr. Friedman. I do not believe that President Obama is anything near a radical. I just believe, that President Obama, like most Americans, is fed up with the way our government has handled its decisions the past 8 years. He comes into office with a huge burden on his shoulders. He takes on all of the problems with our governments decisions. He brings with him a new way of thinking, and grand new ideas to bring our country back up from the depths of crisis. This is our countries opportunity to make the changes we need to make, in order to secure our childrens future. President Obama has the cards in hand to make it all happen, we just have to back him on the decisions he makes. And in the past week of him being in office, he has shown that he means business, and that he isnt going to stand down. Again, I dont see him as a radical, but as a new beginning for our country. One that weve needed for the past 8 years.