Thursday, February 19, 2009

Assignment # 4 RMiskelly

To whom it may concern of the American public which could opportunely reap the benefits of President Obama $787 billion stimulus package or suffer not receiving any of it. Monica Davey of the New York Times intends to educate readers of the politics that go with the stimulus bill. She says that for the plan to have success this influx of funds must be quickly spent. However, state and local government officials must first resolve their grievances about how much of the money goes where. Localities have direct say of where the dollars go, but only within certain parameters. Law makers in Washington must approve usage before the check is written. States that cut spending on their budgets to save money, and close the deficit could be penalized according to the new bill. If states do not have “shovel-ready” projects they may too suffer. States that have not fallen into deficits may not receive certain funds.