Saturday, February 7, 2009

Assignment #2 R. Jefferson

This article was written by Cindi Ross Scoppe, an Associate Editor for the state newspaper.  It was posted on January 22, 2009.  This article was written towards us as an whole, due to the way that the economy is.  I believe that the government has control over everything we do as an economy an it would be their faults if we do get into a economic crisis, because they are the ones that really make the decisions as far as money goes.  Basically, the point Ms. Scoppe is trying to get across is that by laying people off and some of the decision that the government is making it not that right choices.  By laying someone off, its really making things worst.  People who have bill to pay or card debit, by laying off this is causing more people to go into debit.  Even with an economic crisis there is going to be a lot because, it is human nature that even though we have bills to pay, we always want something that is new.  This could be a new car, clothes, cell phone, etc.  Many people can't take their yearly vacation because of the way the economic is and it is not fair.