Sunday, February 22, 2009

Assignment #4 J. Norman

"States and Cities in Scramble for Stimulus Package" was written by Monica Davey for the New York Times. Her audience consists of those of New York along with every American in this country as we all will be affected by this stimulus package. In the article, Davey is relaying the message that money spent will not be an easy task to accomplish. First, there are over 5,000 projects that say they are ready and could begin within a couple of months. Governers and other state leaders and Washington must agree on how this money should be spent. Mark Sanford, the governer of South Carolina is against the stimulus package and explains his reasons for Monica. Mr. Sanford writes "for every job the bill creates, American taxpayers will pay $223,000". In my opinion, that is a very valid point. Jobs may be created and roads may be fixed but I am losing more of my hard earned money.

Everyone wants to further different programs. Somehow we all have to come to an agreement on which programs are worth our spending. It seems this could be a difficult task according to the article. Also, there are over 1,000 pages in the bill that depict every law which makes it difficult for a program to move on. For example Tim Pawlenty, the governer of Minnessota, wishes to reduce the number of people who are eligible for state health care programs. But the bill penalizes states that change their medical eligibility to save money. Problems like these are involved with many programs trying to move forward in Obama's Stimulus Plan. I agree with Monica that it is sure to set off a vast number of political debates.