Thursday, February 26, 2009

Assignment #5 M. Cline

The article, “The continuing fall of federalism,” was written by George F. Will of the Washington Post. This article was published on the internet on February 22, 2009, by the State newspaper.
I believe the article was written as response to the continued political corruption in our government & the disembowelment of our American Constitution. The writer is clearly upset and is addressing the American people in hopes of making us more conscious of the continuance of how our power is slowly diminishing into a socialistic society.
The writer seems to be stating that certain political parties are trying to govern the way they want to….without the American voters getting involved. They also want to rewrite Amendment 17 which is: the “legislature of the state may empower the executive to make temporary appointments until the people of the state elect their Senator through election when a vacancy occurs” and the First Amendment: “the right to freedom of religion, speech, or of the press; to protest peaceably, and to petition the government to rectify any wrong doing,” without interference or constraint by the government.
The “Framers” wrote The Constitution of the United States to protect the American citizens by dividing the powers between the government and the American people. They wanted to ensure the “balance of power” through “check and balances.” Apparently, Congress is not doing their share of diverting corrupt politicians and protecting the Constitution. The American people need to continue to contribute to the voting of electors and laws to reduce corrupt politics. I agree that the media can get out of control on their reporting, but sometimes they uncover conspiracies and report the truth. They also, at times, seem to be manipulated and controlled. If the government is to control the information reported from the media to the American people, we may never get the true facts. America is still home of the free and the Constitution should not be changed!