Friday, February 6, 2009

Assignment #2 M.Cline

The article was written by Cindy Ross Scoppe, who is an Associate Editor for the State Newspaper. The article appeared in print on January 22, 2009, in the State newspaper, and on the internet on January 21, 2009. The title is “Scoppe: Government has to make choices families, businesses don’t.”
In my opinion, Ms. Scoppe wrote the article in response to an opinion from a reader regarding an article she wrote on the state’s budget crisis. I feel the article is directed toward all audiences that are concerned about the economic crisis that we are facing.
I believe the writer is referring to the difference between family, small business, and government spending. The basic argument is that it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that we do not reach an economic crisis. In addition, “the government does not have the right ignore the consequences of their actions”, frivolous government spending.
The writer is stating that the decisions made, for economic good, are not going to be easy. The decisions made to “kick start” the economy will have either a positive or a negative affect. “Do we rob from Peter to pay Paul?”
Large and small businesses have cut back their staff, requested they take pay reductions and vacations without pay, to ensure that they can stay afloat. Families have cutback on their spending and are trying to save for the worst to come. It is tough when you have little to start with, but we are told not to worry, “go ahead and spend your money.”
In addition, I believe the writer is commenting that the government should step up and learn from the Americans that they govern. It would be equally satisfying to the Americans if our government would reduce their pay, skip raises for this year, and take unpaid vacations. Set an example for those that you govern! Stop wasting taxpayer’s money on frivolous and expensive items that are just a symbol of luxury and power…because you can!