Sunday, February 15, 2009

Assignment #3

The article was written by Madison Powers, a CQ Politics guest columnist it was posted February 4th, 2009. The article was written to promote thought about the new stimulus projects to increase economic growth in the US.

The first economic stimulous project I highly disagree with. It pretty much means dumping 1 Trillion dollars into our economy. It seems like giving a child with diabetes an endless amount of candy to miraculously shock the child out of diabetes. It seems like a useless and desperate attempt to fix our economy. We need to fix the problems within the infastructure, our system, rather than dump more money in it while its still failing. It seems like we are treating symptoms rather than the problem; which is never a good thing.

The second economic solution involves fixing our infastructure. I agree with this completely. I believe heavy taxation of major corporations would help us all around. We are now facing enviormental problems as well as economic due to this instant gratification attitude that blinds us from seeing the real cost of our actions. If we dump 1 Trillion dollars into an unstable economy the results will be devastating. I believe we should work with what we have already messed up rather than spending one trillion dollars that we borrowed from God knows who.

If the economy wants to fail due to the greed that resides within human nature and especially/exponentially within a capitalist economy than we should let it. Dumping money into something that is broken is ultimately the most enabling act our government can do. We are destroying everything around us in the name of profit.