Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kwesley Assignment#4

States and Cities Scramble for Stimulus Cash is an article authored by Monica Davey. This article appears in the New York Times. Davey seeks to inform the public that there will be a "dog fight" amung states and local governments for the needed funds from the stimulus package.
Davey accounts how state and local government are in desperate need of monies for infrastructure, education,Medicaid, and vital services the public needs.Therefore, creating competition between the states for these necessary funds. The states with more of a budget deficit are probably more likely to receive funds from the federal government to make-up for their budget short fall. Leaving some states who are in somewhat a better condition not to be eligible to receive as much federal aid compared to the states that are suffering more. For example, North Carolina And Arkansas does not have an education budget deficit, so these states probably will not receive little to no funds compared to a states who are lacking funds in education. Undoubtedly,in the allocations of federal aid to the States and local governments some state or local government is going receive from their view the "short end of the stick". In conclusion, the funds in the stimulus package are enormous ,but not unlimited tough decision are going to have to made and it will not address every problem.