Sunday, February 15, 2009

Assignment #3 -D.HESS

In the Article, "Trade-Offs in the Stimulus Package," by Madison Powers, a CQ Guest Columnist, the author tries to educate us on how trade-offs will help get this Econmic Stimulus Package up and running and running smoothly. Powers points out that there are two likely trade-offs that will make or break our thoughts, and opinions on the Stimulus Package. "One trade-off is between goals of efficiency and ideals of equity. The second is the need to strike a balance between infrastructure and other activities that also stimulate economic growth." The author later points out that some economists believe that in order for all of this too work we need to stabalize the economies downfall, from the past decade or so, so that we can ensure a more widespread recovery.
As for the other issue, we find ourselves looking for ways to improve our econmy, by working in more infrastructure. We need to make some decisions, that will benefit us later on as well, not just fix what we have wrong now. We cannot just scrape the surface of our terrible economy, we need to dig deeper to help prevent another downfall in the future.
All in all, there are going to many things that we will have to do from the beginning, that will ensure that we can bring our economy back to par, instead of leaving it sliced out in the rough.