Friday, February 13, 2009

Assignment #3 M.Cline

The article was written by Madison Powers who is a Senior Research Scholar and a columnist for CQ politics. The article appeared on the internet on February 4, 2009. The title is “Trade-Offs in the Stimulus Package.”
In my opinion, Madison Powers wrote the article in response to the existing stimulus package and is directed toward all audiences that are concerned about how the stimulus dollars will be spent.
I believe the writer is referring to balancing the total infrastructure that the stimulus package should be targeted towards-increasing economic activity and fairness in the disbursement of funds. The general public is concerned about the effectiveness and fairness of how the funds will be disbursed. The funds are being paid with the working Americans tax dollars.
Republicans and Democrats are disagreeing on the stimulus package due to the democrats wanting to spend stimulus dollars on irrelevant projects that have nothing to do with restructuring the economy. For ex: a certain party, has included in the stimulus package, 30 million dollars for restoration of the wetlands for the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse. This project is for prestige, personal gain, and satisfaction., with no consideration for the American people. How does this project feed our hungry or boost the economy?
The writer is stating that the goals of the stimulus package lack satisfactory judgment and fairness to stimulate the economy. Our banks and government know how to spend money on large, sometimes wasteful projects, but have no clue as how to spend less dollars on smaller, cost efficient projects. The only option that should be taken into consideration is economic growth for every dollar spent to ensure economic recovery. This stimulus package is being pushed so swiftly, that the decisions being made, are irreversible. Is this a quick fix or the solution for the economic strength needed for our nation?