Sunday, February 22, 2009

Assignment #4 C. Tooley

The article was written by Monica Davey of the New York Times an published February 16th, 2009. The article is written to the general public and seems as if it is meant to expose how difficult this stimulus package is going to play out. Davey chose neither sides in the politics of how the bill will play out; it was a very unbiased well written article.

I believe the states with less should get more. It would not make sense to give more advanced states a greater sum of money. I believe the urban schools should get more money than the suburban schools as an act of equality. I believe the states with less alternative energy plans should get more money so they can create their own alternative energy programs. Equality should be the number one value in the distribution of the stimulus plan.

This is definately going to be a political war in the struggle for money. We can only hope our political leaders can make rational and helpful use with this money. May the states with less have more and the states with more have less; its only fair.