Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Assignment #1 RWhite

The whole purpose the author was trying to persuade to his audience which are people of a different pigmentation of color is that we need to strive to do more with ourselves. The author Mr. Thomas L. Friedman says that he a t-shirt which depicted the inaugural event with a statement saying "mission accomplished." He also states that just because we wrote some history we shouldn't stop there, we "need" to write some more history for ourselves. Saying its a time for complete change for the things we used to do as Americans as a whole, like passing things off just because our reputation. What Mr. Friedman is really trying to say is that we need to grow up and strive to become better.

This article was presented in the New York times because its such a powerful article some people are not ready to read or take in. Too many people are used to doing things of the past but like the author says we need to start doing work to make things better. Things are not going to change for us if we don't do anything to help better ourselves. This article is directed to the community who think they cant do anything with there lives. Mr. Friedman's point that he is trying to get across is that our time for siting around waiting for things to happen, we need to stop being lazy and start doing thing and start making choices that will help benefit ourselves.