Saturday, February 7, 2009


Cindi Ross Scoppe wrote the article “Government has to make choices families, businesses don’t” in The State, which is a South Carolina newspaper. The main reason Scoppe wrote this article is to get South Carolinians to think about the situation that our great state is facing. There will not be an easy way out of it. The solution to this horrible financial crisis will not be easy. Another major point is that our government should think about where the State’s income is coming from and will it always be there? If a fourth of the income gets deleted then will the State make it’s budget? If the State cannot make it’s budget then they should redo it and get of unnecessary things like building new government buildings and cutting senators, mayors, governors, and legislative salaries.
I believe if the state worked like a family or a business then we would have this financial problem. The government officials spend beyond their means and have no consequences. If I lived beyond my means then I would lose my house and my car and I could possible go to jail. How come regular people have consequences but the government does not? Since the government does not have consequences the people have to pay the penalty. College students are going to have to go into more debt because of what the State government did. Or innocent four and five year olds will not get the best education they should get because of the State government. Is this fair or even right? I think not.