Sunday, February 15, 2009


The article, Trade-Offs in the Stimulus Package” is written by, Madison Powers, who is a CQ Guest Columnist. Powers main point in the article is that there must be tradeoffs in the stimulus package. The stimulus package must balance between two trade offs. According to Powers the first, “trade-off is between goals of efficiency and ideals of equity. The second is the need to strike a balance between infrastructure and other activities that also stimulate economic growth.” To find a balance between these two trade-offs will be very difficult.
Powers wants the people to be aware of what is happening. He wants the people to understand this economic problem will take a while to fix. He also wants the people to understand each political party has different views on how the money in the Stimulus package should be spent. Democrats want the money to spent on useless things. Republicans want the money to be spent on conservatively. In my opinion this specific stimulus package will only make the economic situation worse. Only time will tell though.