Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Assignment#2 JPernick

Associate Editor, Cindi Ross Scoppe wrote an article that appeared in 'The State', entitled "Government has to make choices families, businesses don’t". In this artical she brings up the apparent economic crisis in America, but she specifically talks about South Carolina's struggling economy. The article was probably aimed at the residents of South Carolina, but I'm sure most states could relate to the situation.

Scoppe clearly wants to get across the point of how important spending is even in these hard times. Spending is what keeps the economy moving, and if people suddenly stop spending, there could be a devastating depression ahead. She brings up a few suggestions on what the state could do to improve the economy, and says that "we ought to cut out pay raises in order to reduce layoffs". I don't think this would be a bad idea if it was to happen. Although everyone would have less money, it seems it would be better than some families having everything, while others can't afford to eat.

It is absolutely necessary that something gets done about this growing problem, however I am not sure of what is best for the country, but I trust that the people we have in office are working towards getting the problem solved. Changes are going to happen. The country just has to hope those changes are for the better, and not another step back.