Sunday, February 8, 2009

Assignment #2 T. Sewell

The Article “Scoppe: Government has to make choices families, businesses don’t”by Cindi Ross Scoppe was posted on and in The State Newspaper. This article explains to the citizens of South Carolina, that while we compare the decisions that government makes to the decisions that the head of a family or business would make, there is a big difference. With families and businesses, there are usually clear black-and –white choices. Government, however has to make much tougher decisions because each choice will only benefit part of the population. One choice will not make everyone happy. There are no easy answers to our state’s budget dilemma, but there are a few choices that would help like eliminating raises for teachers this year. The bottom line is that if you are interested in how the money is being spent, you have to speak out and encourage others to speak out as well, so that all of our voices are heard.