Sunday, February 1, 2009

Assignment #1 CMcCray

Corey McCray
The article was written by Thomas L. Friedman and was published in The New York Times on January 21, 2009. The article was written to describe the author's opinion on the inauguration of  Barack Obama as the first black president. The author also wanted to describe the opportunity that has presented itself for Barack Obama to change the way the country runs. The author also wants to present the challenges that Obama is faced with and whether he will be able to overcome the challenges like other great presidents have done before him. 
The article was written for the American public to show that history has been made and a great opportunity has presented for Barack Obama to reform the country and allow the country to escape the problems that the country has dug itself into. The author's basic argument is that he hopes Obama follows in the footsteps of other presidents who have taken radical steps to solve the country's problems. The author believes that Obama is a great politician and that Obama has the chance to bring the country out of the problems that we have gotten ourselves into. He hopes that Obama will follow in the footsteps of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. The author hopes that Obama will not follow in the footsteps of his predecessor and come up short with many of his plans. It is important for the entire country to support Obama and to prepare for radical changes to occur in the coming four years.