Friday, February 20, 2009

Assignment #4 M. Cline

The article, “States and Cities angle for Stimulus Cash”, was written by Monica Davey of the New York Times, who is a Journalist and Freelance Photographer. This article was published on the internet on February 15, 2009, and in print on February 16, 2009, on page A1 of the New York edition. I believe the article was written, as an opinion, to advise the American public of the consequences and the political “cat and dog fight” of the proposed stimulus package.
I believe the writer is stating that almost every authoritative figure running this country has their hand out, for a piece of the pie, and are concerned about who will have the most control and authority in dispersing the funds. Political power!
There are political contingencies as to who gets what, how much, and what are the consequences. The stimulus package, to be dispersed, will still have some congressional control. The states are required to track and report every dollar spent. The success of the stimulus package will depend upon how fast each state can spend it. In addition, this is also a deciding factor in who gets the most money. The purpose has a short-term range of immediately boosting the economy. Some states are concerned they will be penalized for not having a budget deficit or for not being as advanced in their energy renewable programs.
In addition, there are consequences to the American public in the repayment of these funds. There have been some refusals of the stimulus dollars, by authoritative figures, because of this factor. They want no part of it. There will be serious issues of how and when this large sum of money will be paid back, if ever. As usual…it has come down to spend it before we make it!