Saturday, January 31, 2009


In the New York Times article “Radical in the White House”, we are told that Obama is the right radical for the job. Thomas L. Friedman, the author, says this is only if Obama is only a straight radical. He is supposed to be like the presidents before him, for example JFK. Hopefully he doesn’t have an affair on his wife. Another example is Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR is one of my favorite presidents. If Obama can create jobs like FDR, then he will definitely be one of the greatest presidents.
Mr. Friedman also says we are in a hole after the Bush Administration. This is true, no way around that argument. He also says Obama’s radical moves will pull us out of the hole. I am not sure if a radical movement could pull us straight out. I believe it could take more than four and maybe eight years till we are out of this “hole”.
I do agree one hundred percent that we need to get back to work on our country. Other then that I don’t really care for Mr. Friedman’s work. Do not get me wrong. He is a great writer for one of, if not, the biggest newspaper publishers in the world. He just seems to sway to the side that Obama is definitely going to pull up America when nothing has happened yet. Sorry street vendor, the mission has only just begun.