Thursday, February 12, 2009

Assignment #3 BTrigg

Madison Powers, an obviously well educated scholar, wrote the article, "Trade-Offs In The Stimulus Package." Powers graduated from Oxford University and has since instructed at institutes including Vanderbilt and Georgetown University, written many articles, a handful of books, and book reviews. He is a lawyer with a Doctorate in Philosophy.
The article was written in "CQ Politics," an online news site, for readers interested in the future of our nation and the route we use to get there.
Within the article, Powers explains that there are trade-offs to any decision made within government. The importance lies within the debates on these trade-offs and the proper decision is made. The current debate of importance is the design of a Stimulus Package. He makes the point that, "
There may be a good case for a shotgun blast of relatively small interventions aimed at multiple vulnerable points within the economy. " Powers explains that it is not always best to use all of a massive amount of money towards one idea. Instead he describes the advantages, and likely better yield, of using the same amount of money but in smaller amounts and in many ways.