Saturday, February 21, 2009


The article, "States and Cities in Scramble for Stimulus Cash" was written by Monica Davey, a journalist for the New York Times. Davey writes this article to the American people because the Stimulus plan will effect ever American. I think she wrote this article so that Americans could see how much fighting will go on between legislators. Throughout the article Davey continued to talk about how state governors, mayors and state legislators are having to quickly figure out how to spend the money. If the states are slow about how the money will be spent they could lose out. If they cut a policy here and there well then they might lose money as well. State governments are all across the country are trying to adjust their budgets and policies so they can receive the most money.

I did not realize how much fighting would go on between legislators during this process. I also did not realize how much money states could possible lose if they made a wrong choice. I think the stimulus plan is somewhat ridiculous. I understand why they are giving money to education, health systems, and to build things, like the fast speed train. Despite my understanding, I think there is a better way to Stimulate the economy. I do not believe giving money to the states, and then allowing the states to decide where the money is going is right. Do the states really know where to give the money to? Who caused the problem anyway? Was it not the government? Why should we let them mess up again? It is not fair to us to have to suffer from their mistakes. I guess time will only tell if the Stimulus Package will work or not.