Sunday, February 22, 2009

CMcCray Assignment #4

The article was written by Monica Davey for the New York Times. The article was titled States and Cities Scramble for Stimulus Cash. The article was written to explain to American citizens the difficulties that lay ahead in order to actually spend the stimulus money.
The main argument that the author is trying to make is that although President Obama has signed the stimulus package, there will likely and undoubtably will be more conflicts in state and local governments about how to spend the money. Many people are under the impression that just because the stimulus package has been passed that public projects will begin as soon as states receive the money. The problem is that the money must first go before state legislatures to decide what projects the money is to be used for. Governors and mayors may have conflicts on how much money is to be spent where. Although there are requirements for how the money can be used, there is still much debate on the state and local level. Some states that do nor have projects lined up already, may have to pass up some money to other states that have projects already lined up. There also might be debates between school boards on how much each one will get. The author just wants to get the point across that just as there were debates in Congress, there will be even more debates.
It is sad to see that politicians and other leaders cannot set aside their differences to allow the stimulus package do what it was designed to do. It seems like the ways things are going, that it may be weeks or even months more before the stimulus money will even be used. Although I support the stimulus package, I can see where Governor Sanford believes that the stimulus package will put the country farther and farther in debt. Hopefully we will see an impact soon.