Monday, February 9, 2009

Assignment #2 CMcCray

The article is written by Cindi Ross Scoppe. The article was published in The State. The article was written to compare the way the government works compared to to the way a business or family works. The article was intended for the general public due to the author comparing the government, which many people find hard to understand, to running your family or running a business, which many people have experienced or know about how to run one or the other.
The argument the the author wants to make is the government must make key decisions, but first examine the effects that those decisions will have. The decision that the government makes will affect us all and it is important that the government weigh all of the options available to chose the right path for its citizens. Is it better for the government to decrease spending on the college level and divert it to the k-12 schooling system?These are some of the questions the author believes the government should look at before making a decision on how to stimulate or rescue the economy. The key idea the author wants to make is that there is no easy fix for what we are facing now as the public and that with every decision made, there will be negative effects, but hopefully the good will out-weigh the bad. Also, there is not one single thing that will bring the country or state out of the financial crisis that we are facing. It will be a long and tough road to get ourselves out.