Sunday, February 22, 2009

Assignment 4 Jamie Hancock

The article "States and Cities in Scramble for Stimulus Cash" was written by Monica Davey in the New York Times. This article was written to the audience of tax payers or the public that is interested in the subject.
Ms. Davey talks about how there will be some chaos between the states because only a certain amount of money will given to each state. I believe that when South Carolina gets this money they should put it towards schools and for better education. This Stimulus package is also going to create jobs for many americans but it is going to cost taxpayers a lot of money to create or help pay the workers at these new jobs. I believe that should create jobs for people but not to much to where it will hurt the tax payers pockets to much. The money is also going to be going to building better roads, intersates, and buildings. I don't mind that the money goes to these things but i do not want it to effect our schools and medicaid. Think about it, if it was not for the education from the schools there would be no one to fill the positions at the new jobs so they need to destribute the money evenly to all needs of the states.