Sunday, February 15, 2009


Dr. Madison Powers, a lawyer and Senior Research Scholar at Kennedy Institute of Ethics, wrote and article in the weekly "CQ Politics" entitled "Trade-Offs in the Stimulus Package." Dr. Powers knows that most Americans, like himself, are a little anxious about stimulus packages from the past and present. Unlike most Americans, however, Dr. Powers has obvious knowledge of how the government works and wants to inform the public of the possible trade-offs associated with the present stimulus package.
In a nut shell, Dr. Powers explains that their are two major trade-offs. The first is the "equity-efficiency trade-off." Simply stated, this trade-off says that Americans want more bang for their buck, yet on the other hand Americans want policies that are fair and equitable. The second trade-off Powers suggests talks about finding a "happy medium" between big infrastructure and other components of the economic recovery plan, which means cutting back on some of the frivolous government spending. Dr. Powers goes on to say(and what I believe is very true) that the multiple dimensions of the problems we face may require us to think small and act together. We can not going to fix these problems over night.