Sunday, February 22, 2009

Assignment #4 BTrigg

The article, "States and Cities in Scramble for Stimulus Cash," was written for the New York Times. The article was written by Monica Davey. Her intention, when writing the article, was to provide information about the stimulus plan and the ripple effect that will come along with it to the concerned public.
In the article, she explains that along with the stimulus plan there will be much turmoil between state and local government officials. This turmoil will include participants from Governor's to Senators and all the way down to small town mayors. The turmoil will be a direct result from the intention that the money must be spent promptly. Different areas are more readily available to use the money than others. The article explains that if one area is instantly ready to spend money on projects that area is more likely to receive larger amounts of money than an area that may need months to prepare for the projects. Some areas will be changing the way they operate with intentions solely on gaining the most money from the stimulus that they can. Other areas plead the case that it is not fair that they will not receive as much money due to the fact that they are currently financially stable.
The article also touches on the topic of how large the stimulus is. It is claimed that the stimulus, if it were a nation, would be the 15th largest nation in the world. The reader is also informed that this stimulus is the largest since the time of Lyndon B. Johnson.