Sunday, February 22, 2009

Assignment#4 JPernick

An article entitled "States and Cities in Scramble for Stimulus Cash," appearing in the New York Times by Monica Davey was written to inform Americans about the upcoming stimulus plan. There is a lot of money up for grabs and now all the legislatures are fighting over how much every state gets to claim. This is causing chaos all over the nation.

There are so many things that people are having to discuss with this plan because America needs to spend this money wisely. There are all kinds of projects that are waiting to be built but states are waiting on the money to get started. But which states get more money? Some states don't have room for more businesses or buildings, so they'll get less money. Is that fair? This is a huge debate that is causing a lot of uproar.

Some governors don't want the government's help but that does not seem fair to make that decision for the citizens of those states. Hopefully this will create jobs for the nation. The only thing is that it will be expensive to get all of that set up. Either way we all need to start spending our money wisely.