Friday, February 27, 2009


The article, “ The Continuing fall of Federalism” was written by George F Will. The article was published in The Washington Post, which was then posted on Will wrote the article to discuss how politics are ruining our government. Will wants the American people to be aware of what is happening in their own backyard. Politicians are doing what they want, when they want, and how they want to do it. Politicians are ignoring the rules and doing what they want. They are not obeying their state or national constitution. Russ Feingold, a Wisconsin Senator, wants to change how a new Senator takes a vacant seat. He is trying to let politicians pick the new Senator instead of allowing the people to vote for him/her, like the constitution states.

When the constitution was written it was meant for the government to hold each branch accountable. It was also written to give states more power than they have now. The people were supposed to elect representatives to represent them on a national and state level. Today, our government is quite the opposite. I am sure that when our Founding Fathers wrote the constitution they did not expect this type of outcome.