Monday, February 2, 2009

Radical In The White House

Thomas L. Friedman, of the New York Times, a prior Chief Economic Correspondent to Washington, hopes that Obama is indeed planning to cause a lot of change and "save" our nation. Friedman is proud of this time and glad we have reached this point in our nation, that we have elected an African American President. He hopes that Obama is up for the challenge set before him. He believes, and I agree, that Obama has become a President at a time that he has easy potential to shine bright or the complete opposite.
Thomas wrote this article as informative aritcle about his beliefs and predictions of the potential and likely of the new President. The New York Times published this article because the President has just been innaugurated and it is a time where people are wondering what will happen.
Friedman wants to portray his belief that Obama has much potential he must simply be wise and run with the correct opportunities. He feels that it is important that citizens, as readers of this article, understand what has and what may happen.