Sunday, February 15, 2009

Assignment #3 cBurt

"Trade-Offs in the Stimulus Package," written by Madison Powers, was posted on an internet site called CQ Politics. Powers states that multiple trade-offs have to be taken into account before decisions can be made. Powers is trying to tell the people that in order for this stimulus package to come into effect, certain trade-offs need to be made.
The first trade-off is between goals of efficiency and ideals of equity. In one side, we want to get the most "bang for our buck," which means we want our spending habits to have more economic activity per dollar than the others. But, on the other side, we want the policies to be fair and have long term growth.
The second trade-off is finding a way to make a balance between infrastructure and other economic growth stimulus plans.
Powers is telling us to think small, even though that does not sound appealing to the average person. We have to take small steps in order to reach our goal.