Sunday, February 22, 2009

Assignment #4 (H.Miller)

"States and Cities in Scrambel for Stimulus Cash" by Monica Davey writen for the New York Times, directed at the many American readers of The New York Times. People outside of New York read this newspaper too therefor it is for the American population as a whole. The article was published a few days ago also, so it is current to the issue that is going on now. Davey informs us that the stimulus plan is a on going battle between the state and local government for the distributing the money.
The Stimulus cash will be distributed to projects that already have a plan set out for them, those who do not will not see much if any of this money. i think that the light rail in Charlotte would benifit from this money but a plan is not set in stone for progress on it. States that are in more of a need for money towords projects will recieve this money over the states that are not in need of it.