Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Assignment 2: J. Hancock

Associate Editor, Cindi Scoppe, wrote an article in The State named "Governement has to make choices families, businesses don't". In this article she talks about the crisis that is happening in America. Even though this crisis is effecting everyone in the United States she only talks about the effect on South Carolina.

Scoppe says that even though America is in a crisis the American people still spend their money on things that they don't really need. Raising taxes has a result on salaries and local purchases. She believes that spending is very important to this country because if people stopped spending then we would go into a bad depression. Scoppe has some ideas that she believes will help the United States from going into a depression. She believes that states should cut pay raises, so there wont be that many layoffs.

My opinion about this article is that Scoppe has a really good point about how to save America from going into another depression. I think the goernment should cut pay raises so everyone can have money to take care of their families! If i were the government i would cut pay raises.