Sunday, February 15, 2009

Assignment 3 J. Hancock

"Trade-Offs in the Stimulus Package" was writing by Madison Powers that has appearede in the CQ Politics. This article appeared on Feb.4, 2009. This article is written to all audiences that interested in the subject.
This article talks about two things. One is the trade-offs between goals of efficiency and ideals of equity. The second talks about the needs to strike a balance activities and infrastructures that help stimulate economic growth. I do not agree with the first trade off because it is just given the american people to spend more money on useless things than just on what they really need. I agree with the second part of the debate. I do believe that we need to focus on the enviroment to help it become more humane for generations to come. Even though the governemtn is focusing more on the first part of the debate, i think that they should equal attention on both problems.