Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sbunn Assignment 4

The title of the article is "States and Cities in Scramble for Stimulus Cash". The author of the article is MONICA DAVEY, and the publisher is the the NY times. The article was written to inform the worried people of America. This particular item is written about the new stimulus package that just recently got signed in by Obama. The main topic that the article talks about is who will get the money and what will they do with it. Most of the states are trying to maximize the utility of this package by deciding in advance what they will spending the money on.

Some states have proposed to spend the money on interstate. Which in turn will create a lot of jobs for the their on state. In some states for example Rhode Island they are scared they might miss out of some of the money for alternate energy since they already had fewer resources to dedicate to that particular cause. South Carolina on the other hand is not going to receive any money because the Governor is a retard. He thinks that is will just cause more money to the tax payers but I think that the government is got to do something. Plus Obama already signed the bill so you might as well take some of the money. Our Governor just makes me mad.