Sunday, February 1, 2009

Assignment #1 R. Jefferson

This article is written by Thomas L. Friedman of the New York times on January 21, 2009.  Friedman wrote this article because as he was walking away from the inauguration, he saw an african-american street vendor with a t-shirt that said "mission accomplish." Friedman is writing to the country as an whole and basically telling us to wake up and smell the coffee.  Yes, it is good that we have our first black president, but we as americans are in trouble and that Obama has to work really hard to change the things that need to be changed, but it is also has to do with us.  He also wants us to understand that this change is not going to happen over night. This could take two years or more for everything that Obama has said to happen.  Again, yes it all sounds good but by having a t-shirt that says mission accomplish is an understatement, because we as a nation are far from accomplishing our mission as an whole.