Monday, February 9, 2009

Let's All Be Have Little's

The aricle was written by Cindi Ross Scoppe, an associate editor for The State newspaper. The article was published January 22nd, 2009. Scoppe covered a number of issues involving the current economic problems we are faced with. Scoppe's intentions seemed to promote thought, and show there is no easy way out of this recession.

I agree with Scoppe on a few points: I am pro furlough and opposed to cutting jobs. Seeing this is not any Average Joe's fault, it is a systematic fault, we should all settle for less and not cut jobs. Cutting jobs will wither our middle class more rapidly and that is the last thing we need. Its only fair for all of our citizens. I would rather have less than know that my neighbor has nothing.

I agree that college education should not be cut. I could not sum it up any better than Scoppe did, we will be paying taxes a lot sooner than k-12 students which will ultimately help us out of our recession.

Finally, I agree that there is no easy way out of this, and furloughs sound much more appealing than "haves vs. have nots"; Can't we all be "have littles" or "neccesities met's" for the purpose of overall equality amongst citizens during these hard times?