Sunday, February 1, 2009


Thomas L Friedman wrote “Radical in the White House” the day after the inauguration of Mr. Barack Obama, in the New York Times. Friedman wrote to the American people to congratulate them and to challenge them. He wanted to congratulate the country because the first African American man became president of the United States of America. This was an accomplishment because it shows how the majority of the country has overcome racism.
Friedman did not spend a lot of time congratulating the American people instead he spent most of his time challenging the people. He challenged me, you and the rest of the country to continue to get out of this box we are in. We cannot just stop our countries change by only electing a black president. We must continue to think outside of the box in every area of our life. We must redefine America, but we cannot go on living the way we did before. We have to write our own history, like Friedman said.
We have to break out of the box. We have to question the things we did before. For example, why do our cars have to run off of gasoline? Or why do we have to have health insurance? Is there a better way? We must mold our country into what we want it to be. We are the future. We do not have to do the same things that our country did fifty years ago. The world is changing and we must too.