Sunday, February 1, 2009

Assignment #1 J.Pernick

In the article for The New York Times, "Radical in the White House" written by Thomas L. Friedman, he talks about Barack Obama's inauguration. He says that he saw a man with a home made T shirt on that said "mission accomplished", but there is so much more to accomplish now that Obama is president. The election of the first black president is a truly historic event, but now that Obama is in office it's time for him to prove to the American people that what he says he wants to do for this country is actually possible and on its way to happening.

Friedman says that the country is in a state of crisis now and it's now up to Obama to guide the American people through this hardship. He's calling Obama out on all of the things he says he plans to do, but he's also telling the American people that they too can make a difference. We're battling all kinds of financial and economic problems, and it's going to take a leader who can really make a difference along with a nation willing to support its president to make the necessary changes in this country happen.

Obama has huge potential. If he follows in past leader's footsteps like FDR, he could possibly be the greatest thing possible to happen to the nation. However if he chooses to act out his presidency like George W. Bush, This country has a lot of worrying to do.