Sunday, February 8, 2009

Assignment #2 HMiller

"Scoppe: Government has to make choices families, business don't" by Cindi Ross Scoppe found in the State newspaper was writen to address the economic "crisis" in America at the moment. People are being very frugal right now because of the consant fear that they may loose their jobs and become in debt. Cindi feels strongly to address the American (or at least the South Carolina) citizens and let them know of the trouble we could all face if spending doesn't keep flowing. I think most people are scared of the "unknown" and are forced to be some what selfish and hord their money.
Cindi is also a citizen and eventhough she currently has a job at the moment people who don't affect the economy she spends her money in. If we don't continue to spend money and curcualte the economy, we could be forced nack into a depression. In all honesty, I feel like the U.S. could be strickly a money spending country because of all our jobs are being moved across seas. It is scary, yet we are monving forward, and America has experianced hardship before; hopefully our President will pull us out of this rut.