Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Assignment 4 J Thomas

The Article is written by Monica Davey in The New York Times newspaper. This article was written to discuss some of the reasons why people were opposing to the views of President Obama and his decision to make 14,000 new jobs. These jobs would consist of doing work for transportation projects. Another large issue is that there has been alot of arguments over who should get what money.

Senator Mark Sanford is opposing of the idea of creating all these new jobs because he believes that it is going to cost Americans $223,000 in tax money. It is very true that their are millions of Americans that have been laid off and are looking for jobs. The problem with Obama's plan is that in the long run tax payers will be spending large amounts of their money trying to pay for other people to work. The author is trying to argue this point that the plan is faltered because we can not afford to pay all this money. The other problem of who gets what money is simple. The larger the cities the more money they should receive. It will not make everyone happy but this is the fair way to do things.