Saturday, February 21, 2009

Assignment #4 JRozier

The article, "States and Cities in Scramble for Stimulus Cash" was written by Monica Davey, who is a journalist for the New York Times. The article appeared on February 15, 2009 on the NYTimes website in the Politics section ( This article was written to show the readers how much of a battle this stimulus bill is going through. Also, not everyone thinks it is such a good idea either. Davey describes what states plan to do with the bill and what they expect when they have the money.

The audience of this article would probably be directed to anyone who worry what their states think of the stimulus package and what they might do with it. I think the author is presenting all this information for us to argue about. How should we spend the money? What people are in charge of saying where this bill goes to? Are events moving too fast? The state legislators need to slow down and actually look at their states problems and do the best they can to fix them.