Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Assisnment #5 J. Hancock

The article "The Continuing Fall of Federalism" was writing by George F. Will that was found in the Washingtom Post. The audience this article was directed toward is to all american people that are interested in how the senators of their states are elected.

George F. Will tells us the plan that Sen. Russ Feingold has and that McCain supports. Sen. Feingold wants to amend the 17th Amendment. The 17th Amendment says that the "Excutive Authority" of the affected state can issue writs of election to fill vacancies if a senate vacancie occurs. Fengold believes that the people should be able to vote for the senator to take the other senators place and not the person with the "Excutive Authority".

I agree with Sen. Feingold because the American people are supposed to vote for the senator of their state anyway. If something were to happen to the senator that is in the current position and some how has to leave the senate, the people should be able to vote another one in even though the other senator did not finish his/her term.