Sunday, March 22, 2009

Assignment #8 J. Norman

"It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism" was written by Harold Meyerson of the Washington post. His purpose in writing the article is to voice his opinion on how people are misjudging what Obama is trying to do. He states that he is trying to restore capitalism rather than create a socialist environment. He targets conservatives in the article various times bringing up their views on the Obama Era along with how they reacted to the "socialist" Roosevelt.

Meyerson says that the spending inObama's stimulus plan is not a socialist takeover. It is merely a way to invest more tax dollars into education, research, and development. If Obama is successful in accomplishing his goals we will have a more social capitalism. The capitalism of the past has not been rightfully regulated causing it to "blow itself up". Regulation is what is needed in Meyerson's opinion.