Thursday, March 19, 2009

Assignment #8 M. Cline

The article, “It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism”, was written by Harold Meyerson. He is an editorial columnist for the Washington Post. This article was published on the internet on March 5, 2009, by The Washington Post, The Charlotte Observer, and others.
I believe the writer was taunted into writing this article because of all the publicity, from our newspapers to our radio commentators, on our new “socialist “ society transforming into socialistic capitalism with our new President. In addition, I feel he is trying to redeem himself against all public opinions referring to him as having assisted in the capitalistic transformation of our country.
In my opinion, the writer is comparing the past and present political landscapes of socialization and capitalization. The course for the model socialistic party was charted in 1936-the Democratic party, supporters of capitalism. He is stating that we have been living in a deregulated capitalist society that has “blown itself up” due to the lack of governmental regulations and control. These issues have caused a global pandemic recession and it is our fault.
The writer is exerting sarcasm against the conservative parties that are against progressive reforms (which means a free ride for any one who wants it-unless you are a true born American). The conservatives are against the stimulus package, that Obama has devised, due to the way it is being injected into our system and the pork belly agendas that are planned for each and every dollar. The writer seems to be defending this issue.
In addition, he is stating that the government is working to have more control as to what goes on in our economy and probably our lives. The wolves are finally revealing themselves!