Saturday, March 21, 2009

Assignment #8 BTrigg

"It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism," is an article located in the Washington post. The article was written by a democratic socialist named Harold Meyerson. The purpose in the article is stated in the title. Meyerson is attempting to explain that what is happening now is not a transition to socialism but a try at rescuing capitalism. Capitalism in our nation has "blown its self up," and needs to be rebuilt and put back together in a different way. Not meaning changing everything about it but some changes are obviously necessary. Capitolism is beginning to adjust into a more regulated, viable capitolism, not transform into socialism. Meyerson claims that as much as he attempted to change capitolism himself, capitolism has fallen on its own. This article is directed towards those interested in the extent of control the government is granted over our nation.