Friday, March 20, 2009

Assignment #8 Chris Tooley

The article was written by Harold Meyerson of the Washington Post. The article seemed as if it was directed to people who fear socialism; it shows the what our country needs to do not what we wish it would do. The article really points out that we need to put political parties aside and accept that it is going to take borderline socialist policies to pull us out of this current crisis.

I completely agree with Meyerson; unregulated capitalism has nearly destroyed our nation. The unemployment rate is growing and it is going to take the nationalization of big business to pull us out. The comparison of Obama and Roosevelt was a very wise choice of words for the article, its going to take a very special, hardworking, and compassionate president to pull us out of this crisis. I saw a lot of ego deflation in the article; Meyerson made it clear that no matter what party we identify with we need to deflate our ego's and accept what is going to work right now, and that is going to be socialist policies.

I feel when our leaders decide to put socialist policies in practice we need to be extra critical of them. It seems; especially in America, that we just sit back and let our leaders make our choices but as soon as socialist policies are in practice we will need to make sure our government is not exploiting/oppressing us with these policies. Its a great time for us to get out there and be actively involved in the policies that Washington is deciding upon.