Sunday, March 15, 2009

Assignment # 6 R.White

The Article written by Paul Krugman. It was published in the NY times. His article talks about how and why he thinks we are in an economic crisis. He refers to a man named Ben Bernake who gave a speech four years ago on why are economy is getting worse. Mr. Bernake says in his speech its Asias fault that we are above are heads in debt. All countries have been in an economic crisis but ours might not be the worst. Everyone has a part in this debt not the President or some other person, we all are to blame. The economic crisis in America doesnt only affect us but pretty much the whole world. The author states that we are still trying to find a way out of this mess. Maybe President Obama's stimulus plan could very well help the crisis but only time will tell. Im thinking that it will only get worse before it gets better.