Sunday, March 15, 2009

Assignment #4 R.White

This article is written by Monica Davey for the NY times. This article basically talks about President Obama's Stimulus Plan, what some state legislatures could do with it and how it should be spent. The big thing that the stimulus plan will do is to get money to each state but the amount will vary depending on the state. Like the author says in her article, this will start a lot of political arguing over what should be done with the money. Another key thing for Obama's stimulus to work is for the money is to be spent quickly so that it can help lift the pressure on the economy.

One big problem for this to happen is for states and officials needing to decide what they will do with the money. There are many arguements between mayors and govenors because they are worried about who would get the most money. If you think about it there are a lot of things that each state needs help with like roads, buildings, bridges, education and medicaid. One state in particular thinks that President Obama's plan is a bad use of goverment policy and spending. I think if we could find a way to spend the money wisely and quickly, maybe we could end up fixing the economy a little.

This article's audeince of course is to the people of the U.S.A. who actually cares about whats going on in society. It was written to inform us how the stimulus plan could benefit us.