Sunday, March 1, 2009

Assignment #5 (C.Williamson)

This article was written by George F. Will af the Washington Post. It is focusing on how Sen . Russ Feingold is trying to eviscerate the First Amendment with Feinggold-McCain. The outcome of this is more vandalism of the Constitution. People say thet change is good, but if you cahnge the very thing that keeps out country in order, it will crash.
Feingold thinks that holding elections to replace the senators is necesary in order to make the enate as "responsive to the people" as possible. This article, along with a majority of them written by the Washington Post, is directed towards government active people. By us having the priviledge to vote, it is our responsibility to make these type of decisions. This problem is occuring with the Constitution in the State Senate.
I think that our Government can't always handle the pressure of making these tremendous decisions so they count on our opinion. So the basic argument would be...Should we let Feingold make "adjustments" to the Constitution.