Monday, March 2, 2009

Assignment #5 BTrigg

"The Continuing Fall of Federalism," is an article written for placement in the Washington Post. The article can also be found within The State. Written by, "George F. Will", the article was written to state his opinion. Therefor the article was written for those who follow the same opinion as he and to inform others of what he thinks on the current situation regarding the Seventeenth Amendment.
Will informs the reader of Senator Feingold's intentions along with those of Senator John McCain. Feingold seeks to amend a Seventeenth Amendment that empowers the executive authority of a state to provide a senator to fill an unexpected unoccupied seat. Will argues that this is against the intentions of the founders of our great nation. Election by the people is best for the nation and is what the nation stands for.
Will does not title this article with anything pertaining to senators, amendments, or elections, for this article is not written to only argue his view on the current situation but largely to argue what he feels is happening to the nations government as a whole, a "Continuing Fall of federalism."